From The Pastor's Desk
  1. Pastor's Desk
  2. From the Pastor’s Desk 11-2-19

From the Pastor’s Desk 11-2-19

1. Pastor Kilborn will be bringing forth a two part message next month entitled the ‘Homosexual Holocaust.’ Many have accepted this practice as a acceptable lifestyle, and some Christian pastors and churches have approved of such a lifestyle that God condemns. If you preach against it, many will say that you are bigoted, narrowed minded and unloving. No! It just the opposite. We love those who are engaged in such a practice  to tell them the truth of God’s Word. God is able to deliver them, if they cry out to him. If not, the Bible is very definitive, “that no homosexuals will inherit the Kingdom of God”.
Our church is always open for homosexuals to attend our services, in hope that they will turn their lives over to the Lord Jesus. If they decide to keep attending without turning from this sin, the church needs to take action. But, we love them, enough, to tell them the truth.
2. This coming Sunday, Pastor Kilborn will bring forth another message from the series on: “The Wonder of Heaven and the After Life.” The message is: ‘The Blessing of Heaven for the Believers.”
3. Every Wednesday evening at 7 p.m., in our fellowship, we meet for our Adventuring in the Bible. We are going to through the Gospel of John or the Gospel of Eternity, verse by verse.
4. Evangelist Shirley Graham will be speaking our two morning worship services on July 24th. She has such a beautiful touch of God the Holy Spirit upon her life. She is a gifted speaker that God uses in traveling to many places with her husband and ministering the Word of God. If you have never heard her, you are in for treat.

5. Be sure to invite friends and family members to watch an important sermon for living in our world today from Pastor Kilborn, “Growing in Christian Virtues”.  Airing on Hoike, Cable TV Channel 54, 18 July/ 7:30 pm and 19 Jul/ 8:00 am.