Aloha From The Pastor’s Desk!
Storms Are Inevitable
Some storms are deadly, disruptive, and destructive. Sometimes, they come suddenly, and they come unexpectedly.
These disciples experienced a life threatening storm, and instead of destroying their lives, it actually strengthened their faith, and we’re going to look at their secrets in surviving their storm, that will help us in surviving our storm when it comes into our lives.
We are definitely in a crisis or storm with this “Corona virus.” God is the only one who knows when it will end. Our responsibility is to recognize the Sovereignty of God, which is, “He does what He wills, when He wills, and I can’t change His will.” It may be, that God will use this virus to sweep many into the Kingdom God. Yes, we are praying for and end it to it, but God is in control, and we know as Christians, “God works all thing out for those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose (Romans 3:28)”.
If somebody were to ask you what kind of man was Jesus? How would answer that?
At any rate,this is an interesting narrative that takes place in a boat in a storm. It came upon the disciples suddenly, and they were paralyzed with fear … their lives were endangered on the Sea of Galilee.
Of course, we read how Jesus remains asleep during the storm. How could he sleep? It was because all the forces of nature were under his authority. These impersonal forces obeyed him instantly, and the sea became like glass.
Listen friend, Christ sleeping in the boat, is better than all the safety nets in the world.
May this message be a blessing to you… Harold Kilborn.